Rug Road Bazaar




Rug Road looking from the east end





A rug shop





Another, using the street





Also selling the latest DVDs and CDs





Paintings shop





Saddam posters and money





Another art shop





Inlaid wooden boxes and brassware





The far (west) end of Rug Road





Haggling over an ugly Persion carpet



On October 14, 2004 several Iraqis successfully entered the Green Zone with backpacks full of explosives. They placed these bombs in the Rug Road bazaar and in the nearby Green Zone Cafe, a popular outdoor snack bar. Both bombs were detonated simultaneously, killing ten and injuring over 20 other persons. These were the first bombs used in the Green Zone. The Rug Road and the Green Zone Cafe were permanently closed from that date on, cited as being security risk areas.


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