Looking Around Kwajalein Atoll



Lagoon Road looking south. Lagoon is the main North-South road through the island. Our home is about two blocks down on the left.





Lagoon from the south end, with a good look at Gerry Geranomo's front yard orchids on the left.





Morning arrival of the bi-monthly supply ship from Guam.





Whipping Cream Social - an annual free for all beginning with the kids, but eventually catching up with everyone.





First hole green on the golf course. In great shape thanks to Bob Butz.





Temporary stops are in order.




Still time for one more hole. From the tee box of hole number one.




Final instructions before teeing off on the Sadie Hawkins best ball tournament - one of many great events.





Shootout on the 3rd green.




Jim chips to the 9th pin.




Stealth B-2 flyover.





Chapel looking north from the air terminal.





Bike parking at the industrial pier for Marshallese workers and visitors.





Kwaj Olympics pie eating contest.





Loading onto the Cherokee for a evening sail and fun.





Change of Command Ceremony.





Santa's arrival!!! Let the parade and fun begin!





Grade school carolers perform as part of the Tree Lighting ceremony.





City center after tree lighting ceremony snacks and drings.





Fish cleaning tables at the marina. Good spot for scavengers, shark and human.





Turkey Bowl Start!!




Al sets the rules. Empty chairs will be filled by Seniors after they make their grand entrance.




Marshallese students do a hula.




Juniors show how to rock!




But, the Seniors show them how its really done!




The Base Dining Hall. Great meals thanks to Dave Nobis and his team.





Anna Marie and Dave Fearon show off the Roi Store.




The Pacific Club - One of four clubs most popular for parties and dinner functions. This is a farewell party.




Talk and cocktails before dinner and roasting.





A great team having fun.





Some lucky folks even have special dances and entertainment for their farewell.





So Long, gang. It was great working with you...



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