The Souqs of Benghazi

Normally in old Arab cities there is a historic center dating back to the earliest days of the city. This historic center is called a Medina, and always houses the oldest souqs. In Benghazi this is not the case. This is due to the fact that the city was totally destroyed in the Second World War. Here, in the place where the Medina once existed, Benghazi has a busy new souq called Souq al-Jreed.


Souq al-Jreed

Entry to the start of the Souq.




Shops line each side of this attractive entry arcade.




The new arcade area runs for about three blocks. The souq then segues inside older buildings.




The gold souq is large and fills the remainder of the intact older buildings.




The gold souq peters out as the souq moves into really delapidated buildings which look pre-war.




Some decorative women's goodies.




The product line shifts to clothing of all sorts. And even some pavement...




This is the end. The covered souq opens onto a large area filled with food venders, delivery carts, and people.




The Al-Funduq Market

This is a sprawling working class market, always full of activity even on a Friday morning.




Outer walkway.




Walking through to the open courtyard sales area at the rear. Opps, sorry ladies.




Past the butcher shop.




The courtyard is vegetable center!




Tons of mint and green stuff. Smile, buddy...




Endless nuts and spices.




Sidewalk sewing.




Even some market cats!


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